It is important for the students to understand that going to a live concert is quite different from watching television or a movie in a theatre. Here are some points that will help make your Foothills Brass experience a positive one for your students:
Before the concert, discuss some of the specific concepts that will be dealt with in the concert. The best thing to start with is to say we all play brass instruments and have the kids learn each instrument name. For more ideas, see the study guide.
The concert will begin when the principal (or music teacher or other teacher) addresses the audience. At this point, it is a great time to remind the students about proper concert etiquette: no talking during the concert, sitting still, listening closely, and clapping at the end of songs.
As the adults in the audience, you can set a great example of concert etiquette for the students. Help them understand when to be quiet, when to applaud, and when to join in the fun!
Near the end of the concert, we sometimes take a few minutes for questions. Before the concert you could ask your students to think of questions while we are performing, so they can ask at the end.
When the concert is finished, it is a good time to get the kids to clap one last time for the performers – we will come out for a final bow.
Upon returning to the classroom, it would be great to take some time to discuss anything about the concert that interested your students. You could also direct them to our website: Please see our study guide for further information and activities.